Thursday, 7 October 2010

Guest Speaker: NUCA Graduate Chris Goodswen 3D Character Artist

In a lecture this week, we had a guest speaker who was a Games Art & Design graduate from Norwich University College of the Arts. This lecture was particularly very helpful as he covered all aspects of what he developed his final major project in Year 3, the exact year I'm in currently and trying my best to succeed in.

Chris specialises in 3D character design and explained how he went from a traditional artist only working in 2D and using non-digital art materials to creating character concepts in 3D using 3D programmes such as Maya and ZBrush. He claimed traditional media is very important and showing it within your portfolio proves you have more than just one form of artistic style to work with. He also explained that studying more in anatomy and colour theory can improve character development a great deal, which is something I've taken note of as those are the key areas of character development I wish to improve in myself.

Along with advice on what is needed to be a decent character artist in the games industry, Chris covered certain techniques he experimented with during his final year of Games Art & Design such as speed painting, thumbnail drawings etc. He mentioned about Abertay University in Dundee, Scotland as he did a Masters Degree in video game design there, explaining how difficult, demanding but yet fun it was and how he got far more experience as well as getting an extra foot in the door of the games industry.

His talk was very helpful and shined a light on what I personally to achieve to get the career he works in, except I'm more focused on 2D character design rather than 3D. Overall, this was a great lecture and I'm glad he came to speak with my class.

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