Sunday, 10 October 2010

Learning Agreement

This is my proposal for my learning agreement so far, though I may change it in the week:

In BA7 for my research report I have chosen to write a dissertation. Within my dissertation I have chosen to address in the thereotical theory of co-operative gameplay. I’m highly interested in video games that feature a duo of particular characters and how their relationship is within the game. Relationships within the narrative between the main characters may affect the storyline, actions and emotions either through the characters themselves or through the gameplay. I feel writing a dissertation on co-operative gameplay would be the most reliable subject area to research into because it connects with my game concept, as the two main characters in my story have the bond a mother and her child would share between each other. As well as having a strong mother & child bond, the duo work together as a team throughout the storyline and gameplay. I plan to use sources such as online and academic articles, books, game reviews and other sources showing evidence of co-op gameplay research to support my dissertation.
For my game design document, I will include areas such as concept synopsis, theoretical tenets, storyline, a storyboard, a gameplay blue print as well as anything else needed to cover my concept design. During my work on my dissertation and producing a game design document, I will update weekly entries to my virtual journal which will take place in the form of an online blog that will include samples of my work in progress, activities done outside of school sessions that relate to my work and also to video games in general, articles, videos and much more. What research I find relevant to my game design document will also be included into the blog, not just research used for my dissertation.
I plan to deliver my final production for BA7 through a pitch presentation in the lecture theatre to staff, students and possibly industry guests.

Working from my finalalised blueprint to the schedule of work I have planned out for myself, for BA8 I plan to continue working more concept art in the form of 2D character design illustrations. I intend to use both traditional and digital techniques within my work, focusing more in Corel Painter and Photoshop for my concept art. I want to develop a more believable style and have a diversity in my drawing skills to demonstrate evidence that I understand digital craftsmanship and mastering technique with an in-depth understanding of materials, techniques and processes in the development and realisation of what I am capable of producing a body of production and post-production work in the form of readable production files and a finalised showreel for the end of the year show.
I have decided to extend my development further into 2D character design because it is an area I want to specialise in the most and what I need to strongly focus on. With this practice underway, I hope to achieve and advance my skills further into colour theory and anatomy which can contribute to my character illustrations for my final production in BA8.
While focusing on my concept art, the research for my dissertation on co-operative gameplay will be continued and will be written fully and finalised in 5,000 words. To showcase my own personal portfolio, I will create a basic website containing my concept art from studio practice, personal work done outside of school sessions and my contact details for business purposes. Once everything is completed and fully achieved, I will write a 500-1,000 word critcal evaluation. This will explain what I have achieved, what progressing through my work was like, any pros & cons to support evidence of my understanding in character design and other aspects shown based on BA7 and BA8, before submitting it all in May 2011.

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